As you prepare for your trip abroad, is important not to overlook your passport expiration date. Regardless of whether your passport is valid for the duration of your stay abroad, you may be denied entry if your passport expires up to 90 days after the date of your return. To date, this holds for U.S. citizens. For this reason you should check the expiration date on your passport carefully before traveling to Europe. When students apply to a GlobalEd Abroad program, we document the passport information as well as the travel dates as a way of confirming and alerting program participants of any discrepancies. That being said, program participants are responsible for and should confirm that their passports are valid.
Here is a link to more information posted from the U.S. Embassy & Consulate in Spain and Andorra.
Questions about how to apply for a first time passport or renew your passport? Click here to see the steps to get started.