• Professional Development Seminar

    Remote Work

    The perks and challenges of learning to work remotely

From pandemic prevention to hyper-urbanization relief to event preparation, the news seems to be buzzing with tones of remote work lately. So, it’s no surprise to see the World Economic Forum pointing to workplace flexibility as a critical topic in the future of work. But is this trend economically justified, or is it just our evolving workforce craving modern convenience? 

Guest Speaker

Guest Speaker Mitchell DeMazza has been working remotely since 2015 and shares his story, the evolution of remote work and how he sees the critical skills of tomorrow and the deficit of the work economy today. 

The key to differentiating between a workplace fad and an economic strategy lies in the hands of the businesses. If corporate leaders throughout the world believe remote work is beneficial to the sustainability of their brand, then they’ll invest in the development of it as a resource. In other words, if there is value in telecommuting for organizations, there is value for the world. 

Organization is key

Creating a productive workspace and schedule that you can stick to is one of the most important elements to being able to work effectively.

Finding the balance

Remotely work often time offers flexibility for you to build a routine that allows you to organize your life between personal and work responsibilities.

Managing expectations

There are synchronous and asynchronous aspects to remote work which present challenge when managing the expectations of your team and supervisors 

Session itinerary

  • Guest Speaker Background
  • Introduction to the world of remote work
  • Preparing for a world trend
  • What employers seek
  • The tools we use
  • Organization and communication
  • Challenges of remote work
  • Acquiring marketable skills